Taking a screenshot from an uncooperative service

A number of streaming services don't allow taking screenshots from within the VideoSkip extension. In this case, you want to take it from the operating system, and then load it back into VideoSkip. here's the process:
  1. Stop playback and attempt the screenshot by clicking the "Take screenshot" button.
  2. If the service allows it, you're done, but if it doesn't a new button will appear instead, labeled "Load screenshot." This is to load an image that you have taken outside VideoSkip. Leave the time alone.
  3. Take the screenshot with the method built into the operating system, or a third-party app. In Windows, you use the built-in "snipping tool" program; in MacOS, do this key sequence: command-shift-5. Make sure you leave black areas out. Save the screenshot locally.
  4. Click the "Load screenshot" button on VideoSkip and navigate to where you saved the image. If successful, the screenshot will appear on the lower right of the VideoSkip window. The time was acquired in step 1.
Note: users will be able to use the screenshot much better if you make sure it contains only the video, without any black areas top and bottom or on the sides. This can be done easily if you take the screenshot as in step 3, rather than from a full-page video. Otherwise, the VideoSkip extension will attempt to remove those areas as it loads the screenshot from file.